Yesterday I've found a lot of materials for warming up, gaming, reviewing vocabulary etc. In the evening I am going to print (n' print screen) some of the games and show them here.
1. Alexis Ludewig, Dr. Amy Swan. 101 Great Classroom Games
Created by award-winning educators, these easy-to-learn, giggle-as-you-go games are designed to be both fun and educational. These activities in reading, logic, science, measuring, listening, social studies, and math are the perfect complement to your curriculum.
Get the fun and the learning started with games such as:
- Bug Bite: Players flip over vocabulary word cards and slap the table when a bug card comes up. Whoever slaps first reads all the words and then keeps the card. The child with the most cards wins!
- Bull's-Eye Feather Math: Children blow feathers around a bull's-eye game board with straws as they sharpen their multiplication skills.
- Geography Baseball: Players find map locations that are pitched to them. The more hits they get, the faster they score runs.
- Fishy Facts: Players snag paper fish with a fishing pole and hook. If they can answer the question on the side of the fish, they score. . . and many more!
2. Fun Class Activities. Book 1 and Book 2
You can download them at: and
3. Jack Umstatter. The Grammar Teacher's Activity-a-Day: 180 Ready-to-Use Lessons to Teach Grammar
Quick, daily classroom lessons for improving students' grammar and writing skills
This must-have resource features 180 practical, ready-to-use grammar and usage lessons and activities–one for each day of the school year. The activities included help students in grades 5-12 to acquire, improve, and expand their grammar skills, and become more adept and confident writers. Veteran educator and best-selling author Jack Umstatter helps teachers to familiarize students with the type of grammar-related content found on standardized local, state, national, and college admissions tests.You can download it at:
4. Jeremy Harmer. The practice of english language teaching
A guide for teachers of English. This third edition has completely rewritten and updated to combine the best of traditional approaches with the latest developments in language teaching theory and methology.
You can download it at:
5. Assorted English Activities (!!!)
A bit from everything.
You can download it at:
Looking forward for reading all this stuff, taking out the best (for my classes) and using them in practice.
There are also some reading and pronunciation games. I'll come to them later.